Friday, June 12, 2009


As I try to remember the people, the places...the next thing you know I am daydreaming. The waters are so clear that you can't define their depth, the beaches have beautiful soft sand that on some of the islands is pink or black or powdery white, the flowers are everywhere. How I wish there had been pictures to capture everything, instead the pictures are all in my mind. There is a blog that I came upon quite by accident called Cruising on "ARITA". If you have the time, take a look at it and you will see some really incredible pictures as well as great commentary on sailing the islands and definitely paradise found.
We stopped at all the islands going out from St. Thomas; St. Bart's, St. Kitt's, St. Martin or Maartin (Dutch on one half and French on the other) and on down to Grenada. We never actually got to Grenada. It was late and we anchored out. In the early hours of the morning there were strange sounds and we came up on deck only to see British paratroopers dropping out of the sky. Needless to say we hauled up the anchor and hauled away! Even paradise has its dark side, which brings me to how this all ended.
The captain always wore a white uniform. He was stunning in that uniform, absolutely gorgeous and he knew it. He attracted every female wherever he went and the admiration was mutual. Unfortunately, he was married. Unfortunately, he wanted the best of both worlds. I went through a very rough time over this. For many days I never came out of the stateroom. For many days I contemplated slipping over the side into the dark depths of the water, never to be seen again. I've never told anyone about that and it has taken me awhile to get the words out here. We parted ways. It was more or less amicable. He helped me purchase a car. It was a red Mustang convertible and let me tell you, that certainly did wonders for shoring up my self esteem! The owner let me stay in the Palm Beach house for awhile as no one was there at the time except the caretakers. So now the next thing on the agenda was to get a job.

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