Monday, July 27, 2009

My resume (7)

Next stop Palm Beach Mall, Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. How did they get away with the name? It was in West Palm Beach after all and as I noted before there was a world of difference once you crossed the bridge. I guess this was supposed to be the average person's Palm Beach experience. It was, in the beginning, an oasis in the middle of acres of sand. Someone envisioned what it would be like in 10 years but all we saw was sand.

I took a job at Bentley's Luggage. True to the way I approached any job, I absorbed every bit of knowledge about luggage, how it was made, why to recommend one over another, how to pack and in short became an expert salesperson. Pretty much, that was all I did was work. Christmas eve came and the manager asked me to join his family and go out to eat. We got in the car and started driving around and there was nothing open. I started getting a strange feeling about this but after all his whole family was in the car, wife and three kids. Finally we drove up to White Castle. I had never even heard of a White Castle although the name sounded interesting. We get out of the car and it was a burger place. Christmas eve dinner at a burger place! From the heights of luxury to the depths of fast food mini burgers all in one quick trip over the bridge.

It came to my attention, once I had been there for awhile, that the manager was being less than forthright with the accounts receivable. Married, too many kids, not enough money, too much temptation. They say that the people on the left end of the spectrum will steal no matter what and the people on the right end will never steal and then there are the people in the middle that could go either way and that circumstances being what they are some of them drift off to the left and the rest is history. So I "packed my bags" and left. Not long after that the manager was fired. The owner called me and asked if I had known what was going on. He wanted to know why I didn't tell him. I asked him who he would believe, his long time manager or a new hire? He conceded that it would have been him over me. He wanted me to come back and manage the store but I just couldn't consider that. I had already moved down the mall and up to assistant manager.

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